Natural-Rose- Toner-Petal-herbs-ayurveda - PetalHerbs

Make your skin soft & smooth in winters

Views: 1095 Posted on: January 1, 2020

Make your skin soft & smooth in winters

To make your skin soft and smooth, use rose skin toner on face at least twice a day. Natural Rose Toner naturally hydrates your skin and you get soft and smooth skin. To get a luxurious bath or to rejuvenate your body completely; add some natural rose toner in your bathing water or spray it all over your body and feel fresh whole day.

If your skin is flaky or extremely dry during this winter, apply natural rose toner and then use Moringa and Safflower moisturizing lotion to keep hydration all day long. Natural rose toner not only hydrates your skin but makes it shine. If you use regularly, your body will start generating better quality cells on its own.

Petal Herbs Ayurveda’s premium and luxurious Natural Rose Toner is enriched with Damask rose water and Damask roses has been procured directly from Kannauj to provide you best quality rose toner.
What are you waiting for? Grab it now.

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