Cosmetology in Ayurveda

Cosmetology in Ayurveda

Views: 505 Posted on: July 19, 2022

Cosmetology in Ayurveda

Cosmetology in Ayurveda
We need fresh food and water, fresh air too to live a healthy life, then why not fresh and natural cosmetics? Instead of spending big on Chemical Cosmetics for instant gratification, we shall take the route of Ayurveda which is filled with the blessings of Mother Nature.

Ayurveda, our own science not only has medicinal value but also has profound value in beauty cosmetics. It focus on both healthy state of mind and body as of equal importance in Ayurveda.

Today, In modern era of Social media, everyone wants to look flawless and picture perfect. Cosmetics are in demand all over the world age groups whether males or females. But, over last few years, Cosmetic Industry is driven by natural or herbal based products.

Cosmetic Industry is now seeking Ayurveda for its ancient and unique Beauty Secrets and. techniques. In Ayurveda, Beauty lies in balance of Body, Mind and Soul for which principles of Aahara, Vihar, Sadavritta, Dincharya, Achara Rasayana have been introduced.

Different classes of drugs as Varnya, Keshya Kandughna Kusthaghna, different procedures as Snehana, Anjana, Utsadana, Aalepa, Kesharanjan, Dhupana are some of the few ways on which Cosmetic industry can rely Apart from it, for cleansing of mind and Soothing Soul, Yoga, Pranayama, Dhyaan. etc plays a vital role.

Beauty reflects in a clean body with a clean mind. These procedures not only make the outer skin clean and glowing but also balances the doshas in body leading to rejuvenation of body.

In the world full of filters, be a natural. Trust nature. Trust Ayurveda.