In different dermatological and #cosmetic skin treatments, #moisturizers are being used. Different classes of moisturizers are available for these purposes and as supportive medical treatment.
Moisturizer that preserves moisture, soothes your skin, works as protein rejuvenator and is a good blend of herbal extracts provides maximum benefits to the skin. Moringa and Safflower #moisturizing lotion of Petal Herbs Ayurveda is having all classes of the moisturizer. It improves #skinhydration and penetrates into stratum corenum (skin’s outer layer) layer directly. It increases water content in the skin and natural herbal extracts remain on the skin layer upto one hour and act on skin cells. Therefore, your skin’s damaged cells are repaired. These herbal extracts fight with bacterial causing skin disease such as acne xerosis and different types of skin allergies. #Moisturiser creates a layer on the skin that protects from pollution and hazardous toxic effects of heavy metals which are present in smoke of the vehicles. Due to this protective layer, transepidermal water loss reduces and it provides a wonderful texture and smoothness to skin. It reduces friction of skin cells therefore acts as anti-aging and repairs skin barrier. If you take good care of your skin, then you won’t require lots of #facialmakeup. Skin is the largest organ and will stay forever with you so cleanse and moisturize it daily and feel like a QUEEN with shiny, soft and smooth skin.
Skin texture and its relation with Prakriti - mental and physical composition of the individual
In this fast-moving world, people are chasing their dreams continuously. Aspiration to achieve some thing and forgetting about themselves is how every one living their lives these days. A little break, so called “Me time” and self-love is all we need to keep going in this rat race. Self-love begins with pampering yourself and giving your skin a little love. Skin condition of an individual tells a lot about their overall health. As per the Ayurveda, body or skin types of an individual depends on the Prakriti. Prakriti is a unique concept in Ayurveda. It is combination of three doshas- Vata, Pitta and Kapha and is determined during the process of fertilisation and remain constant throughout life. You may have notice that skin texture varies in individual to individual. On touch, someone’s skin feels soft and it can be dry in others. Such characteristics of skin are determined by the Prakriti of that person. In Ayurveda "prakriti" means - mental and physical composition of the individual.Vata dominant Prakriti – People of Vata prakriti tends to have dry and rough skin. They generally have dull complexion and shows early sign of ageing. Their skin condition gets worsen in cold weather.
Pitta dominant Prakriti- Pitta skin type is said to be soft, warm, oily and more prone to tanning, acne and skin issues. Their skin is kind of very sensitive.
Kapha dominant Prakriti – Cold, oily and enlarged pores are the features of Kapha skin type. Greasy face and pimples are major concern for them.