Myths about Hair Oiling

Myths about Hair Oiling

Views: 467 Posted on: September 8, 2022

Myths about Hair Oiling

We are born beautiful but as days are filled with new goals we often neglect our beauty. Very few of us maintain a beauty routine that keeps us radiant and healthy aside from having a bath every morning. Additionally, we are susceptible to various beliefs that thwart the formation of the small habits we begin.

One myth about hair is whether or not we should oil our hair. Our elders recommend applying hair oil daily for nourishment and growth of the hair. It is believed to be a natural solution for dry, frizzy and damaged hair. However, there are many people who think that oiling your hair causes more problems. Here are few myths and facts regarding it.

Myth One : Oiled hair pulls dirt in  and clog pores

The amount of natural oil in the hair depends on the season and humidity conditions, which gives easy access to dirt to stick on to the hair. Oiling your hair only makes the situation worse. But, not if you wash your hair regularly. Just like the skin which is constantly exposed to dirt and other pollutants needs daily cleaning, in the same way hair too needs some thorough washing. So, oiling your hair is good if basic hygiene is maintained by washing hair regularly.

Myth Two: Hair oiling increases dandruff

It’s critical to comprehend what initially causes dandruff. Dandruff can be brought on by excessive use of hair products, lack of hair oiling to give the scalp adequate moisture, or even a fungal infection. While one should use medicated oil in case of fungal infection, oiling your hair regularly and washing them thoroughly afterwards can help the person to get rid of dandruff and prevent its recurrence.

Myth Three: Oiling Hair is unnecessary and useless

Regular use of shampoo and conditioner will keep your hair soft whether you oil it or not. However, they won’t be good for your hair in the long run, leading to hair loss, brittle hair, etc. as time goes on. Oiling creates the ideal environment for hair growth, resulting in healthier, stronger hair. But, make sure to leave the oil for a couple of hours before washing it off using a mild shampoo.

MYTH FOUR: All Hair oils are the same

Different hair oils have different properties or qualities that make them suitable for a variety of uses. For instance, organic castor oil has been shown to boost hair growth. Many other plant-based oils help prevent hair loss, like Bhringaraj, Rosemary oil and Cedarwood oil etc.

MYTH FIVE: It’s hard to apply hair oils

 Oiling your hair is simple and easy. Apply it from the roots to the ends of the strands to repair deep and extremely dry or damaged hair strands.